
Tuesday, January 22, 2008

....and this week...

...the progress continues... the house it now totally gyprocked....the bricklayer is working his way around the house....and is over half fact I need to get my camera out again..... my photos are already out of date. That can be tomorrow afternoons job.
We spent some time at the house tonight.... Dad and Mum....and all the kids.... we swept and swept to try and get some of the dust off the floor.... I cant wait for lock up.... hopefully that will stop some of the dust filling every nook and crevice. the cabinets are all final and ordered.
The vanity basins....bath and toilets ordered.
The tiles chosen...just waiting for the quote to see if we can afford my choices.....eeeek
The ceiling fans and outdoor lights are ordered.
The laundry tub to be finalised..... Im waiting to see if I have space for a draining board with it.
We need to meet with Pat this week to choose doors and locks.
and our latest major decision.... paint colours! ...any suggestions for a nice white?

1 comment:

Megan W said...

looking good Mardi, oh the hassles of building, hopefully everything is falling into place for you all at the right times, and how lucky that your Brickie is working on getting those walls up, fingers crossed everything keeps on going so well for you and you are pleased with your choices

Megan xx